Always to the frontier

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A. L. Gibson

I would not normally post so many links to other blogs in a row like this, but I absolutely fell in love with the latest post over at The Natural Treasures of Ohio:

Now, naturally, the Adirondacks are but a mirror of the boreal beauty that northern Ontario has to offer, but damn, they really do a good job at looking the part of the "northern woods" despite being so far south.  The Adirondacks have the same wonderful granite, gneiss, and gabbro popping out of the ground that the Canadian Shield on the other side of the St. Lawrence has, as well as (I admit it!) even more rugged terrain than can be found there.  They do tend to lack the same wonderful sand...

Off of the Brent Road just south of the Trans-Canada Highway.

...but on the whole, Pre-Cambrian floored New York is pretty impressive.  What is even more impressive is Monsieur Gibson's blog.  While he tends to stick closer to home in Ohio, his nature photographs are lovely no matter where he takes them from.  I found his blog when I was looking for something on the natural side of southern Michigan.  Google decided to be a fan of Ohio State rather than the Wolverines that day, and I ended up with his blog instead.  A rather nice auto-correct blunder on their part, at least in terms of the discovery I ended up with.

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