Always to the frontier

Saturday, July 21, 2012

You Know You Like Trees When... get really excited upon seeing a view open up like this.

I mean who would not like the scraggy Black Spruce (Picea Mariana), an acid loving tree growing on the limestone rocks here which are clearly supporting this stand of Northern White Cedar (Thuja Occidentalis)?  Such a lovely combination!

Oh, and I suppose the Mackinac Bridge is nice too.  Ha, in all seriousness though, one of the best places to get a view of weird combinations of trees, the Mighty Mac, and the straits which it bridges would be where this was taken, at Father Marquette National Memorial, a under-visited treasure in an area that is normally a bit more famous for its fudge shops.  We can check out more of the memorial in another post, but I strongly recommend that anyone traveling the area stop by.  It's free to enter, has wonderful viewpoints, and makes the first time visitor to the upper peninsula really feel like they have crossed over into something a touch more northern than the other side of the straits.

Then again, I am a bit of a sucker for Le Nord.

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