Always to the frontier

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What's So great About Texas?

Before we return to a look at Detroit, I feel that the following link is an excellent introduction to the better bits of somewhere a bit to the south that also receives its fair share of stereotypes.

50 Sure Signs That Texas Is Actually Utopia

I always figured utopia was Northern Ontario, but...

Think about Texas.  Texas is often viewed by the Right in this country as the grand paradise of conservatism and reasonable taxes, legislation, and decent moral culture.  Conversely, it is often viewed by the Left as a backward land of revisionist education, gunslingers, racists, and country music.  Texas is often viewed by all as either a desert that is boiling hot or an open range home to many cowboys.  Texas has a little of all of this, but it is actually one of the most diverse places on the continent, both in terms of its human and natural environments.  A land where South meets West meets Plains meets Mexico is almost guaranteed to produce very special people and landscapes, sort of like... Detroit, where we shall return to next post.

A special thanks to a friend in Wichita Falls for sharing this with me.

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